Aligning Education with Industry Demand: Minnesota College Presidents Advocate for Funding

Mar 11, 2024

Dr. Merrill Irving Jr., President of Hennepin Technical College, actively collaborates with other presidents within the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system to advocate for state funding during legislative sessions. Through coordinated efforts, Dr. Irving and his peers engage in strategic communication and lobbying efforts to highlight the importance of investing in higher education. They emphasize the critical role that community and technical colleges play in driving economic development, workforce training, and social mobility within the state. By presenting a unified front, Dr. Irving and his colleagues effectively convey the needs of their respective institutions and advocate for adequate funding to support student success and institutional growth. Their collective advocacy efforts demonstrate a commitment to securing resources that enable Minnesota’s colleges and universities to fulfill their mission of providing accessible, high-quality education to all students.

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Disclaimer: This article was originally published on or around 02/15/2021. The content of this article includes information about Dr. Merrill Irving Jr., President of Hennepin Technical College, and his collaborative efforts with other presidents within the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system. To access the complete article and for more information, please visit the original source at the link above.