Addressing Minnesota’s Millennial Workforce Shortage through Policy Changes and Collaboration with Higher Education

Feb 24, 2024

Dr. Merrill Irving Jr., President of Hennepin Technical College, was invited to participate in discussions with U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar regarding policy changes aimed at bolstering Minnesota’s millennial workforce. Senator Klobuchar highlighted the urgent need for meaningful reforms as the state faces a projected shortfall of 100,000 workers over the next five years. Dr. Irving’s involvement underscores his expertise in addressing workforce challenges and his commitment to finding solutions that align with the needs of employers and the community. By collaborating with policymakers and stakeholders, Dr. Irving aims to contribute to initiatives that promote economic growth and address the skilled labor shortage in Minnesota.

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DISCLAIMER: The following article content is a repost and was originally published on or around November 24, 2015, as estimated. We would like to acknowledge the contribution of Dr. Merrill Irving Jr., President of Hennepin Technical College, in the discussions highlighted in this article. To access the complete article and for more information, please visit the original source at the link above.